Really, I do appall myself at times. Here I was, just in for a swifty to celebrate JL's birthday. I bought her a rum and myself a pint. And then there was blethering and OK, another beer and a chilli pie was called for. But there were no pies left! So it was a toastie. Washed down with... and so it did continue. And that Shandonner bloke bought me one and I had to buy him one back and boogah me, Mr&MsW strolled in by chance. Doomed I was.
Earlier, I'd been to see Pantani: The Accidental Death Of A Cyclist at the Filmhoose. Much better than the mediocre reviews, especially if you love a bit of the old Tour De France. And that Giro.
And much earlier, MsV did indeed join us for a day out in the sticks. And big S brought me in a book. 'Making it Happen. Fred Goodwin RBS and the Men who blew up the British Economy.' A bit far fetched, surely.
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