
By BethAndCo

'Weigh in' time and still poorly x

Eva's temperature was normal when she woke this morning and thankfully, she hadn't been sick again. She seemed so much better, so I decided to take her to Rhythm Time, as it was the first one back after Easter. She wore her new 'I love (heart) Rhythm Time' tshirt, which she was very proud to be wearing and off we set. Aww she loved it. One of the things Cheryl does at Rhythm Time,mis walks round the circle with a little box and we all sing "What's in the music box today? Could it be big? Or could it be small? There could be nothing there at all" and all the children knock on the box as she comes by. Eva was holding her little hand out well in advance, eager to have her little knock, which she did when it was her turn. There were scarves in there today for us to then sing "hide the babies toes, where they gone? Hide the babies toes, where they gone? Hide the babies toes, where they gone? There they arrrrrre" and so on with head, hands, tummy, Mommy's face etc.

After Rhythm Time, Eva had got an appointment with the health visitor, just to see how she was doing and to be weighed and measured. The last time she was weighed and measured was on 13/11/13 when she weighed 21lb 15oz and was 71.5cm long. Today, she weighed 23lb 10oz and was 79cm long.

As we got home, Eva was feeling very warm again and just wanted cuddles and milk. I gave her some calpol which did bring her temperature back down again, then she had a good sleep. My dad came round in the afternoon, but Eva wasn't herself at all. She was very clingy and just wanted to sit quiet on my lap. Xxx

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