Of Little Consequence

By Alkal23

Tomorrow is another day ...

Why oh why did I say ' A piece of cake, no problem, I'll have it to you in 2 days' when a gardening client of mine, who knows I sew , asked me to make new sides for her gazebo ? ..... three weeks ago !

I have been in this position too many times before, saying yes before thinking and wishing I hadn't.
Why is it so hard to say no , you don't want to do something, you really don't, you know it'll be a pain in the neck. You know that because you don't want to do it so much, that'll you'll put it off , telling yourself it won't take long, for as long as you can.

Well, I've spent all day in a mountain of calico, measuring metres on a table too small, I'm covered in pin pricks and bits of thread.

Next time I'm going to say NO ! ........ Maybe

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