"What do you do all day?"

I have been asked this a lot as I am a stay at home mum of two kids with special needs....

This is what I did today:

First I got up and stripped my son's wet bed and put on the washing machine. After getting breakfast, administering medications and helping the kids get ready for school, I hung out the washing, I did the school run, stayed at school for the summer concert.... amazing morning, ( my little one played the piano) then I went home, delivered my other son's phone to his school as he'd forgotten it and isn't allowed to walk home without it. Ate lunch on the run, did a supermarket shop one for me and one for my neighbour who has a poorly girl at home...put the shopping away, rearranged my son's hospital appointment which clashed with a GCSE exam (now there's a sentence I never thought I'd say!), picked my son up from school, dropped my other son off at his youth club and then got my little one ready for bed. All medication administered and toileting dealt with. Just got dinner left to cook and then I can relax.... oh and I managed to squeeze in a quick photo of a spider's web.

Not a lot really.

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