
By Annieone

'Am I Safe'....................????

"Course you are Kitty Boy"........!
"Are you sure, Annie"...........!
"Absolutely sure KB.......'safe as houses'......there's no way she's going to get down from up there"..........!

This is the Kitty Boy looking a little scared today......he is sitting on the table in the yard where I pot my plants....
But as you can see he is looking up....Mel was upstairs with S.....heard Kitty and myself talking .....
discovered she could stand with her paws on the windowsill and look down into the yard.....she was barking mad....!!!
Poor Kitty didn't know where the sound was coming from but he was going to tough it out anyway...
When I told him where she was he looked up to see for himself and still didn't budge!!!!
Mixture today ....sunshine and one incredibly heavy shower.....!
On my 2hour escape today went to my local Garden Centre ....relaxed had a cup of coffee....some lovely home-made brown bread (no cake....great willpower)!!! and read the paper......Bliss....!
Was hoping to get some late crop seed potatoes but alas, to late......!
Have to look some other places!!!

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