With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Ugh, it's me!

So shiny is my new camera, that when I set it to work downloading the 600 shots I've taken since Christmas day, even in the very dark gloomy nest it took up on the chair next to the computer, an sp popped up when I hoiked up the semitones.

I have been banished to the house and fireside, while Agu takes the boys to Felanitx and our niece's 3rd birthday party. She is calles Neus, which means snow in Mallorquin.

My voice has all but disappeared, but I'm pleased to say I don't really feel ill. I haven't seen the mountains yet and the sun has disappeared. This is a lost day, but I'm enjoying my new books and cds. I feel a bit of comedy coming on before they return. More tea and Benylin here we come.

I've back blipped for yesterday.

I'm hoping to catch up with blogging a few more holiday shots, including AKHF, mv, Hebs and the plumber, over the next few days. I'll keep you posted. Sorry I've not been commenting much lately and thank you to those who've dropped in on my journal.

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