My days ...My life

By ElspethAnne

On the way ...

I stopped to take a photo on my way to Inverness this evening. Beautiful skies and not many places suitable for stopping.
What was good today?
*A pink carpet of tiny wildlowers covering the roadside of the A9
*Snow glinting in the late evening shafts of sunlight.
*Making J's dinner and leaving it in the slow cooker for him.
*Being grateful as we review the first month of our new shop venture ...delighted with community feedback .
*My grandson's caterpillars arriving in the post to be hatched into painted lady butterflies in their butterfly house :-)

What wasn't so good ?
*Realising a month has vanished since I was here last and I haven't focused on my own life agenda.

*Spending 4 hours in the car and not enough time walking .

*Worrying . Pointlessly . In the place where stillness should be. My Jon Kabbat Zin mindfulness book should have travelled with me.

Night night to you all. Hopefully I will catch up with reading your journals over the next few days.

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