Photos in A Major

By A

New neighbours

Visiting one of the Brazilian factories which is rather overshadowed by the new tower blocks being built to house the 15 million (and growing) São Paolo population. The government has gradually been compulsory purchasing the land around the factory for these developments, until now it has no spare space at all (the football pitch went in the last snatch).

Day one of a short trip, landed this morning at 6 am and went back to bed for two hours to have any chance of making it through the day. At least it was better for me than by boss, who arrived at 3am Chicago time, then took 2 hrs to get through the immigration line, then was wide awake....I kept fairly quiet that I got through in 45 mins and slept soundly once I reached the hotel!

Some supermarket shopping before getting back to the hotel and now off of a Brahma or two.

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