The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Kick the Light

I am not sure that I have ever spent a day in Paris without visiting Le Jardin du Palais Royal. To my eyes and for my soul, it embodies all that is right about Paris. To sit here on a Sunday in a place full of peace and Zen, to watch children frolic and to witness the adoration and love of their father…..what on Earth could be more divine? I will let you complete the emotion and the scene and the light.

As I sat under the tree and watched the beauty of this family unfold in the gated light, I was in a state of complete contentment. This city just puts me in that state of mind.

With this post, I will go further into the Blip sunset. To sporadically post a photo once every blue moon and to never be present to comment does little for the community. Plus, what little time I have for photography will be devoted to a photography project that has been underfoot for nine months, yet given too little attention.

I am not saying goodbye. Rather, I will see you later. Thank you for your endless love until then.

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