Astonishing Abundance

Not got the ability - especially after a glass of Argentinian Malbec - to adequately express what a special day it's been today - plus, my girls are calling me to watch "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen"...

Thought I might well have a grandson to show on Blip today - M took them to hospital for the third time for an induction (I have a smashed finger, making driving difficult). Almost five hours later, which I spent distracting myself by washing all the bedding, the bathroom, and the car seat we got from the Jericho Project - D called to say the consultant was sending them home as no reason to induce - Baby was fine. Seemed, to me, like a miracle.

So, until Friday (yet another scan) we are allowed to wait - official due date is Thursday...

Went along the other side of the stream in Newhall Valley - astonishing abundance of beauty - chose this little fellow, who obligingly posed for me over and over.

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