The heat is on!

Work would have been unbearable this morning, if it wasn't for the boss being away....this meant I could liberate the remote for the aircon from his room! I made sure it was back in position before I left :-0

I had my 6 month review at the hospital this afternoon; what a performance that was! The hospital car park was full, which meant that the automated barrier would only operate when a car left the parking lot.
Given that it was the start of visiting time, it was absolute chaos; it took me ages to get onto the car park and then it was a game of 'hunt the space'.

All of this took considerably longer than my actual appointment.
I'd barely lifted the copy of 'Lancashire Life' off the seat when I was called through.
The doc had a quick look at my notes, then at me, then suggested I return for another check in 6 months time.
The nurse quipped 'that was short but sweet' but I'd much rather it be that way!
All clear for another 6 months :-)

Back home & Mr A & I had a visit to the garden centre, partly for inspiration and partly for something to do!

I managed to bag these 3 chilli plants, which were reduced to a £1 for all 3; the only problem is we have lost the label so I've no idea what I have.
I do remember that they are meant to be different varieties, but a clue to heat would have been nice.

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