alex and tasmina!'s not everyday you come across the first minister and an eu candidate in your local high street! here's me with alex salmond and tasmina sheikh in inverurie where they were canvassing for votes in the election on thursday.

whether you love or loathe alex salmond - and I've met a couple of folk doing the latter at our women for indy stall recently - it's not many high profile politicians that would be out and about meeting folk in streets, engaging with them. he was really nice and it was lovely to get some encouragement for the stuff we're doing with our aye inspired art exhibition and women for independence. I hope he can make it to the premier weekend at the end of june, especially since one of the artists has entered a fantastic painting of him. I wonder if we'll see him at some point at the women for indy stall between now and september too, I know a few of the snp-voting ladies would be pleased to see him.

tasmina was lovely too - I told her how impressed I was with her last friday when she didn't rise to the horrible ukip bloke getting her name wrong and calling her 'love' on the radio. I'd be happy for her or the green candidate to get some seats in the eu, they're the only options I would consider....those two ladies getting lots of votes this week sends quite a nice message not only to ukip, but to westminster too.

I tell you what though, if I'd known I'd be taking this selfie, I would have done a bit more hair and makeup-wise today!

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