Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Wee Beauty

A journey from Bristol to Edinburgh where I met a Crime Writer (Barbara Fagan Speake), a rather noisy team of Newcastle lads who were heading home from Hull after a 4:2 victory and left leaving their pile of litter and I witnessed a young mum, dad and baby in pushchair being caught half-in half-out of the train doors and the merciless guard, who must have seen them trying to board but tried to shut the doors never-the-less, with the mother aboard; the pushchair mid platform and train and dad on the platform he was shouting the instruction "Stand clear, stand clear" and seemed annoyed that they opted with every effort to join the mum on the train. Really!!
Donald met me off the train and we headed right over to Carrie and Adams for their Barbecue gathering. So this is Rosie with dear little Tenzin.

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