In My World

By JoanneInOz

Mono Monday ~ Entrances and Exits.

This weeks theme for the Mono Monday challenge, hosted by Paladian, is Entrances and Exits, so this gives me the opportunity to show you a very odd entrance/exit at my son's rental unit, which I am helping him to renovate just now (my main job is the painting!)

The main door is on the left, but just look at the double glass have to walk through a garden to get to it, and from the other side, step out into the garden!

Ben will fix this, um, oversight (?) that has been made at some stage in the unit's past life, by removing the garden and putting a small deck where the garden is now, making entering and exiting through this doorway a tad more....managable, shall we say? ;)

And an update ~ I've just checked my emails and yesterday's blip, my Rainbow Lorikeet amid the yellow fluffballs, made it to the spotlight pages this morning, around 8 am, and it's still there, at 7 pm! Thank you to everyone who rated and gave hearts to my cute little feather friend! :)

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