Bubbles of Fun

I started off my Saturday in a rush to get things done around the house. I've been pretty lax about you know....the laundry....the dishes......the dusting. I mean the weather has been fantastic....and my girl is growing up so fast. I don't want to spend all my time doing the everyday mundane things. I want to enjoy my life. Oh...and read. I've got a pretty bad case of the reading addiction right now. PRETTY.BAD! You know it's bad when you finish a book at 12:35am, and reach for the next book, "just to start one chapter!" ahem.....I was up too late again.

Anyhow, if I don't get busy right away in the morning...I lose all interest. So I got lots done.

Sugar and I went out to find Toby as he had been acting funny last night. We found him where we left him under the blackberry bushes. So unlike him. He let us pet him, and such, but didn't want to come in. He was grouchy, so we let him be.

We headed into town to see "The Legends of OZ" at the theater. It was cute. We enjoyed it very much, as we are fans of all thins OZ. Toto was adorable, and made us go, "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!" each time he was on screen. It's okay, though, as we were the only ones in the theater. :)

We headed home, and found that Toby Kitty had disappeared. Sugar got to playing, and I mowed the lawn. Then I rewarded myself with a nice read in the sun. Sugar pulled out some bubbles, and I snapped some shots.

It was a blessed day.

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