wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I'm not tellin'

I always hit the Goodwill to find funky stuff to sing in.
This tshirt was hanging on the end of a rack . I heard it whisper as I walked by :" Susan.....take me home" so I did. It was a bit tight...perfect fit!!! I had a whole new sense of being.......of purpose some may say!

Ok could be that I bought a 3.5 lb sausage and walked through Walmart with it. I got some strange looks. Men looked away in a hurry and kind of hid their faces in shame embarrassment. It didn't even occur to me that it was remotely naughty until a woman in front of me in line at the checkout said "oh my God! Where did you get that?"
I pointed to the aisle. She ran past me to get one.

Then I took it home, peeled it and sliced it into little little pieces.

I found a new movie for the cats. It made them crazy. Mia attacked the screen. I had to save the iPad from a fall.

So this is my back blip for yesterday. I was going to wear it and take a picture but.......it is a bit tight..............maybe next time I am naughty!
Ha that will be a while.

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