All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Obstacles, mud and more obstacles!

Today was the day of a race I'd signed up for at Chatelherault Country Park, which I was looking forward to / nervous about in equal measures! It was only a 5k which should be fairly easy for me now. But with a twist it had lots of obstacles throughout it too.

I was running it with my friends Jo and Caroline - we weren't looking to run in a fast time but agreed to run together, just for run.

Hubbie looked after Ethan and Carolines 2 boys at the park while we were running. We ran through thick mud, through a river, hauled tyres and traffic cones round the course, crawled under a cargo net, balanced on beams, a see-saw, climbed over and under logs, hauled ourselves up steep embankments and best of all ..... down the most slippery waterslide made of plastic sheeting and copious amounts of water down a hill! Great fun even if it was weird trying to run in soaking wet / muddy trainers!

There was a kids one mile obstacle race which Ethan wanted to do, but couldn't as he's not 5 yet. I promised him he could do the toddler dash instead, but we were so busy watching the one mile race, I suddenly realised we'd missed it! He was really upset but the organisers were fab. One of them told Ethan he'd run the toddler course with him even though they were about to clear it all away. So he did it specially for Ethan, who thought it was funny no one else was running the course with them. And the organiser made sure Ethan got a medal and goody bag too. Awww!

After this, Ethan asked if we could go to a castle. However hubbie wanted to go to the shops to look for a new sofa. We ended up pleasing them both with a trip to Crookston Castle (quite small so didn't take long to go around) and then some sofa shops too. Dinner at Frankie and Bennys followed before taking Ethan to Bathgate for his weekly sleepover.

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