To gift, or to keep

I am torn over this.

I dug this up from the back lane beside our house.

One of many trees / shrubs that the squirrels like to plant (it's amazing how many Oak trees I would have in the garden if I didn't keep pulling them out).

I pulled this out, as it was growing right next to a house; and was not going to stay put without causing damage to the house, and a nuisance for the cars that drive past.

At first I thought it was a copper beach; but once I dug it up I realised I was wrong.

It is a Purple Hazel instead.

So now I'm stuck.

We already have at least 2 hazels in the garden (plus I think a 3rd one is growing behind another shrub - thanks to Squirrel Nutkins); but I'm tempted to keep it.

One of the girls from work has just bought a house; with a sizeable back garden.

When I thought it was a beech, I thought it was perfect.

But now......

I'll wait and see what Monday morning brings.

I should really take it into work; as I can't work out where the hell to put it in our garden!

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