shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Someone's garden

in Bridge of Allan! Thanks to the owners for sharing it with me! A busy day at work, thinking and planning, am now catching up on backblips (I love Friday's shot) and watching Russian DVDs to tune myself back in as much as possible as I have three days of interpreting coming up this week, which I am really looking forward to doing. I am currently watching Deti Arbata (Children of Arbat), which I love. It's a serial about a group of friends from school who live on Arbat, one of the main streets in Moscow. It follows them and the political elite through the 30s and into the Great Patriotic War (1941-45), and I can't watch it without crying for all the people who were destroyed by the Soviet system. It's based on a trilogy of books by Anatolii Rybakov, and features some wonderful performances, helped by a great cast. After this is finished, tomorrow I will be watching another favourite series will go on - The First Circle, based on Solzhenitsyn's book, and featuring a voice over by the author himself and another extremely impressive cast. I really miss Russian films!

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