A beautiful almost summerish morning view to lake Roine. Large, if you like.
We stopped here to the Vehoniemi-esker for some ice cream and for this beautiful scene today on our way to grandmum and -dad, to make some gardening to them. Actually we had promised to help them to plant potatoes, and seeds of dill, parsley and beetroot and salad to their field. Some wiews over here! We, ourselves, got 2/3 area of their field to farm what ever we like and this year we liked to farm salad, kale (borecole) and turnips - and later I quess we put also beans to the soil.
Or peas.
Have not decided yet.
Some beautiful day! In morning already +13c and in the afternoon even +27c - just marvellous. Had late dinner in our own garden, as the temperature was cooling down a bit. Every bird cherry tree has started flowering - soon it is time for lilys...We planted some flower seeds to our own yard too. Maybe we could have some butterflys visiting during summetrime then?!
Summer really starts here so fast as this Godforsaken land finally warms up turning towards sun. It is so lovely as every tree and field changes to green, and all these flowers it trees!!!!.
Thanks for your company, again: You are so marvellous punch of people - I am sure you know it too! ;)
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