POG's Journal


Very nice day...

Well i have been messing around in the garden today... It has been left to go wild for nearly 18 months and is a real sorry state...

Job number one was to try and get to grass a bit shorter... the petrol mower was doing a grand job and i got about half done before a bit of a malfunction... anyway new part ordered on the internet and should be with me by Tuesday.

For a long time i use to say my garden was a reflection of my mental health... If it looked good i was generally feeling good as i had been in the fresh air working on it to make it look nice... if it was not looking good i was generally sitting on the sofa feeling sorry for myself...

I have 17 new fence panels coming in early June so that will keep me busy putting them up and between now and then getting ready...

Somehow i think you might all get very bored with my garden photo's in a week or two, assuming i keep it up - hehe

Ps. Photo is the jungle commonly known as my garden.

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