Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

New Trick

Fish and chips last night listening to fireworks on the Sound System. No, not ‘Music for the Royal Fireworks’ by Handel. The ‘Desensitisation CD’ for dogs. Lots of thunder and lightning and fireworks. He wasn’t bovvered.

I must say, it’s nice that he doesn’t react to smells of food and sit drooling, looking up at us eating, waiting for titbits. And every time I rattle in the biscuit tin, I’m glad he doesn't know what it is. And it will stay that way. Though he does mistake my rattling in a box of pills for the sound of his kibble being served.

This morning I let him out at 5:30am (before he whined), he did his business outside, and I retired to bed, leaving him with his toys and door open. There were a few whines, and even a couple of scratchings at the kitchen door, but he soon remembered that this was the New Regime. I slept in till 8:30!! When I came to came through, he was dozing in his bed. What a good boy!

He’s been outside on his own (and with company) all morning. I can watch him through two windows. He sits and watches the washing flapping. He seems to find it quite fascinating.

Then he started barking! He’s only ever barked once at the yappy daschund at the puppy party - I rushed out and heard a large dog barking - far away but still pretty loud. Archie was a bit scared. He’s not bovvered about the kids over the wall screeching and yelling on the trampoline. But I most certainly AM.

A few second thoughts about pigs’ ears. The breeder gave us an ear, so we assumed it was all right. I’ve had a look at forums, and opinion is divided. They mostly come from China (the ears, not the opinions), which is weird, as we have plenty of pigs here. But they have a very high fat content and a lot of folk are against using them. Pity - he loves them.

A couple of visitors this afternoon, and, while we were saying how good he is, Archie piddled in the kitchen. Whoops.

He goes crazy with this blanket - he can even play ‘Where’s Archie?’ and hide under it. Well, I play it anyway. Caught a bit of that manic look.

New trick: High Ten (he's too wee for 'High Five').

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