Land of the Giants

No, not a reference to the composition of this photograph and the apparently small people in the background, but to my turned up jeans. 34R (Regular). Not Short, they are for the little angry men (sorry Mick), and not Long (they are for the beanpoles with the very short girlfriends - why does that always happen by the way?).

My conclusion is that whilst I may have been 'average height' for my malnourished generation, in this brave new world, our children are comparative giants and we, the older generation, are going to have to either:

1. Shop at BHS or M&S where the size labeling panders to our egos. I can probably slip comfortably into a 32L in M&S. In reality, the waist is probably a 36 and the leg length Short, but they don't want to hurt my feelings, or
2, Accept our reduced place in the evolutionary table and start buying based on how the clothes actually fit as opposed to being hung up on the size label.

Right, I'm off to finish sprucing up the garden furniture. Hope there's someone around to open the garage for me - the handle is soooo high up :-)

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