
By LadyRob

Silver Star Walk

Evey year my mum and I walk the midnight walk in aid of the Ayrshire Hospice! The whole 13 miles!

This year we kicked off at 10pm and crossed the finishing line 3 hours and 17 minutes later!

Now that I'm home I can smile over my recollections of the evening: the spritely start, the overtaking of slow walkers, the general chit chat, the buskers/entertainers, the half way point with a banana, a Mars and a bottle of water, the beginning of my sore hips, the swollen hands, the shuffling feet, the silence between Mother and Daughter and the amazing feeling when crossing the finish line and receiving my medal!

All these memories make up the evening, and as much as it hurts now, I just know that this time next year we'll be doing the exact same thing!

All in the name of a good cause!

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