Random cooking again

After yesterdays beers I had a quiet day at home, I was going to go out when "The Princess Bride" came on the TV and then "Kelly's Heroes" both excellent films. By the time I'd watched them I was getting hungry, I toyed with the idea of nipping round to The Vintage for a grazing board and a couple beers but decided to be good and stay in.

I didn't have much in the kitchen to eat, I need to go shopping, I chopped up an onion and a couple tomatoes and threw them into a frying pan with some "bacon bits", added some chilli powder, cayenne pepper, ginger and coriander powder then gently fried it all up, I thought I had some tomato purée which I was going to add as well, to make a sort of spicy tomato sauce. I could not find any tomato purée (I must have finished it sometime) so I thought "what else could I use to make it more sauce like?" (it was a bit thick and chunky) and of course the answer came to me "Beer!" Looking around I found a bottle of Eden Brewery Whisky Barrel, which is quiet sweet with a distinct whisky taste, it is also a nice reddish colour, when I added it to the pan it mixed with the tomato juices and powders and made a lovely orangey coloured foam, hence today's Blip. After simmering for a while I had a lovely chilli flavoured "bacon curry" type of substance.

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