Fetal Heartrate

MrsCyclops spends a fair bit of time each day on the fetal heartrate monitor. The results have, to date, been very reassuring. The baby is doing fine. I think it gets pretty tedious for her though - she has to stay still and the sound of the baby's heartbeat gets wearing after a while.

I remember we were SO excited the first time I heard it - it makes me a bit sad that the way this pregnancy has gone has caused it to become irritating at times...

Today I went to our NCT class - without my wife. It was a bit wierd - there was one woman there on her own (her husband was working offshore) but a man on his own is clearly a rarity. It went very well though, and everyone made me very welcome.

It's sad that I had to do on my own something we had planned on doing together, but I figured I needed to be prepared for when the baby comes. Hopefully I can make friends with some of the other people on the course on behalf of both of us, and MrsCyclops can join in with the group anyway.

After the class I took some fresh food in to the hospital and MrsCyclops and I dined together as a Saturday night treat. She had hoped to be allowed out for the night, but her test results are getting a bit iffy (as yesterdays threat to deliver showed) so they decided to keep her in.

Now I'm exhausted.

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