Dressed up for the occasion

En tiedä syy miksi tämä mies oli pukeutunut näin, mutta todella pidin hänen asustä. Joten pyysin että voisin ottaa kuvan hänestä. Hän onnellisesti poseerasi kuvani.

(I want to say: I don't know the reason why this guy was dressed like this, but I really liked his outfit. So I asked if I could take a picture of him. He happily posed for me.)

So yes, he seemed to be dressed for the occasion, but I'm not too sure of the occasion. In any case, I really liked his outfit. The details and make up were amazing!

After taking a picture of him I continued walking up the Royal Mile, on my way to work, and then I was stopped by one of the cartoonists, who tried to chat me up and said we should go out for a drink sometime... I have to say I work in a rather interesting street, where there always seem to be things happening.

Work was very busy, as it usually is on a Saturday. On my way back, I saw this guy playing homemade drums, made with plastic containers and kitchen pots and pans. It sounded quite good. I didn't take a picture of him though.

Back to work tomorrow.

6 days to holidays!!!! So excited! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good Saturday! :)

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