The circle joining two halves!

Went out at lunch today. Grande a coffee and sandwich from Nero's and sat in the sun in the park. :)
Today has been lovely. It's summer and it seemed the whole school were finding excuses to have the kids outside enjoying the sun.
My class did some serious scientific investigating into where mini beasts live. Of course we had to check and see if they lived on any of the adventure playground equipment! ;)
This afternoon the year 5/6 children had made up some games for the rest of the school to play. 20p a game to raise money for local special needs cafe. It was great! It just felt like we'd gone to a fair!! :)

The games were a light relief for the yr6s after SATs. As I watched one of the kids being dropped off yesterday morning and being given some kind of herbal stress relief thing and did wonder what we are doing to our kids!? Why should they be put under such pressure that they need nerve calming medication? It's wrong! When will the government and society back off and let children be children, developing and learning at their own pace?!!
.....ok, I've got off my high horse!!

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