my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

Quick snap (it'll have to be)

A well deserved chilled out day at home today.

Took advantage of times when the boy(s) were sleeping and/or watching football to get stuff done.
(Finally) washed the windaes, made some headway on clearing Dex's room of junk so that he might actually be able to use it at some point and also just sat on my arse for a while. Bliss.

Took the wee man out for a wander round Harrison park early evening in the carrier with the hope to settle him. Annoyingly (and predictably) he doesn't like it when I stop to take photos. I want to say, "he'll just have to get used to it" but I've a feeling I'm just going to have to get quicker at taking my snaps.

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