
By cordelia

A day of rememberance

Yesterday would have been Aunty Kathleen's 65th birthday. I've been to say hello and read the messages attached to the flowers left at the grave then walked across the length of two cemeteries barefoot (heels being a poor choice of foot ware today) to visit her daughter in law, Carol, whose anniversary was this week. The photo is of the beautiful Tune valley taken from the seat near Carol's grave that her patents placed there in her memory.

Although sad, I didn't feel a great sense of melancholy until I wandered amongst the headstones replacing fallen flowers and pulling the odd weed until I noticed how many young people were there ... and by young, I mean under 50.

I'm at Headly on the Hill now sitting watching the gliders. They're brave, trusting their lives to the thermals!

It's a beautiful sunny weekend ... I hope that you're all topping up your tans! Cx

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