Up North

By Carwij


Great day for another walk! It kept snowing all day. R. and I drove to the province of Drenthe and started walking around a little village called Zeegse. The woods were beautifully covered in snow and no one else was around so the only sound was the scrunch of the snow under our boots and some woodpeckers doing there job. I spotted one but he was to far away to photograph. Here and there were standing little cottages and at the start of a path to one of them I saw this lamp, it gave a beautiful warm light in the snow.
On our way back we stopped at a childrens farm where deers were in search of food under the snow. There was a lovely youngster chewing the snow of his back. They didn't seem to mind the cold, in contrast to this seagull who looks as if he's so very, very cold.

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