
By Kangaroo

Autumn is waning...

...some images are priceless.

I have been on the go since twenty to 7 this morning. It is now almost 7pm. The garage sale yielded this morning miscellany, a book, a video recorder/player I was despairing of finding anywhere and a pair of curtains, very wide and possibly good for windows at the back of the house needing something better than the bed covers I 'hung' to replace curtaining I didn't like (it's complicated:)

My friend did well and the score was a hefty wood tool box we carried back to her house between us using one hand and our plastic bags stuffed with 'stuff' and a curtain each in other hand . We found ourselves standing talking earnestly about the merits of one thing or other in our many rest breaks changing hands. We smelled a lot of roses. Then we had to do more money-sorting out regards what each of us as a matter of convenience or desire had paid for depending on what money we had in notes and change or not at all finally as I forgot to go to the bank. I went to the bank, Saturday morning shopping, back home, back to my friend's with the accounting I owed $10.15. A friend visiting her place said this is high finance. Yes, I think we spent between us about $30.

My friend forgot her carved wood dolphins. I saw those. I intended to call by that stall later and buy them if they were there.

There was a note in my door when I got back with a phone number and enquiry where are you going to? The front verandah at my place looks as if I am moving out I realised. The furniture is to give away as it is surplus to requirements and aged. I phoned the number and it was the Korean lass I met two nights ago. Very good English I told her, puzzled someone whose English is very good might write it. My book, she said, and showed me out of her bag. It must have taken her a long time to find the sentence to fit the situation. It is not an easy Korean-English book to negotiate. Anyway we had a lovely time talking about English lessons and decided on a plan for future lessons. I went out for a walk with her to show her where she could buy the fish and chips she and her friend wanted later for this evening's meal. Where people are she asked me as we were walking through the town. We stopped to confer what was meant. I deciphered, meanwhile realised she was asking were they away somewhere. No, it is always like this I said waving a hand at the empty streets. She looked amazed and I continued cheerfully with, awful isn't it. Ohhhh, she said with another laugh. We new friends resumed our walk for me to show her the way to the fish and chip shop.

Happy as, I was coming home to continue a project dismantling each of the rooms of my house and cleaning thoroughly. I have been washing everything as I go and putting it washed and folded onto one of the beds to pack the surplus into plastic bags and store away, rearranging cupboards. I am 'moving in' again.

It was the woolrest that arrested my attention when I hung it on the clothes line to dry. I looked closer. Back to the computer. Looked at lots of insect sites. Wasn't sure. Went back to the piles of washing on the bed and looked again including at fresh quilt covers (on quilts and not all quilts btw washed or drycleaned); I spotted a freshly washed light weight wool rest and peered at it. So snowy white. I peered closer. Fleas. Many fleas. This hasn't ever happened to me before that I am aware. I am j-u-s-t coming to terms the days ahead are going to be arduous. I thought I was almost at the end of this washing and cleaning binge. Unsure about the plan to give away furniture:)

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