My day

By 59

Street scene

This is a street in my town of Bathurst showing the lights which grace some of the old streets in town. There were originally 105 of these gas lamps which were converted to electric power in 1924. They are heritage listed.

Bathurst is approximately 200 years old. It was colonised by the settlers in 1813 and when the town was built it was the only town west of the Blue Mountains. William Cox was asked to build a road from Penrith to Bathurst by the Governor in 1815. His crew consisted of 28 convict men and 6 soldiers. They built a road 163 kilometres long, over a harsh mountain range in only 6 months. Unbelievable! At that time it took about 8 days on horseback to do the journey. It now takes 2.5 -3 hours depending on the traffic.

The railway arrived about 1876 and you can see the Railway Station at the end of this street. Also in the photo you can see farming lands on the horizon, autumn colours in the trees, old buildings radiating out from the station and now heaps of cars...

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