Can you see it, can you see it in my eyes

Tonight was, the McMillan Big Night in.

I was invited to this Big Night In, with my Tooli. Tooli had exams. So the invitation was extended to Me mam. Me Mam is in Lake Garda. I had a hard day at work. I was sleepy. I lay on the couch when I came in and I slept til 8.15.

I bounced off the couch, dived into the shower, got changed, and walked round... fast. fast... fast... all y myself.

I used to say "Walk to Hannah's Walk, it's not far". See when you want to be cool, and unsweaty... No , you really shouldn't walk.

I thought to myself. I can't remember where the house is. I didn't need to remember. I could hear the squealing from the end of the road.

My friend Claudia was hosting. I am Elle, to her Claudia. I can't believe the looks of incomprehension as Claudia introduced me as Elle, and explained we were a Pair. Elle and Claudia. It was perfectly clear to me.

We had admission, and corkage. Excellent way to raise funds.

We had raffle. Excellent way to raise funds.

We had tablet. Excellent way to raise funds ( Oh, oh, I just remembered I have tablet in my bag).

Then we had the Naked Waiters.

We had Two Gary Barlows.

I am completely confused by this because obviously both of them were Gary Barlow. I was posting money in their pants like it was valentine's day.

Gary No 1 Sat on my Lap and wiggled, because I donated so much money; I was very grateful for this.

I contemplated with Lou, who I was at school with and I haven't seen for at least 28 years, because we are no where near 50, why her husband or my husband didn't do the naked waiter thing.

I think Because if our husband's did it, people would die from happiness.

to be quite honest.

I have drunk a lot of wine.

I have.

I have also donated lots to McMillan.

And Claudia will have the final total later.

I also won 3 prizes in the raffle, and didn't win the hair do, but that is okay, because I have a hair do appointment tomorrow.

I donated one prize back,because I am generous like that.

oHmY GOD. i HAVE HAD tooo much to drnk.

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