Omar had tonnes to eat today. The sun makes her hungry and it was über sunny today. I spent most of the time in the garden. The guinea pig hutch was re-applied with slug stoppa tape - the slugs and snails are monopolising that space at the moment. They have to be discouraged.
While I was doing that, I heard a handyman chatting to my neighbour about the locked communal gate. "I have the key!" I announced with a disembodied voice (feeling a little guilty that I'd announced that I'd been eavesdropping - we have high fences and can't see into the next garden along). And so I met my neighbour, who is lovely and would very much like to bring her three-year-old daughter to visit the menagerie that she now knows is at the other side of her fence. Her handyman managed to unblock the drain without traipsing mud through the house. What is it with blocked drains? Is it a coincidence that the drains of both houses needed unblocking this week? The drains aren't linked. Odd.
Fred and I had an evening game of table tennis. I lost by an embarrassing amount of points, though I didn't play too badly. I think Fred's been practising far too much (he has a table-tennis table at work).
The new dishwasher is too noisy. The engineer came round today, found nothing wrong with it, and told us how to stack a dishwasher properly. It's still making the bad noise. Grrrr.
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