@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Curiosity killed....

....the idiot in the red beanie who walked next to their field (if it hadn't been for the flimsy three strands of barbed wire between them!)

Attended a ranger led outing to the B98 wreck and came away with even more questions. Some of the debris was revealed to be identifiable. Something that I couldn't make out was clearly demonstrated to be one of the 105mm deck guns. The barrel has been removed, but the deck mounting and other 'bits' make it obvious enough that I am kicking myself for not working it out for myself before now. Thanks to Wiki, while I couldn't find names for the said 'bits', at least I know where the terms 'flak' and 'ack-ack' came from.

On the walk back home from Lady village, I'm afraid that I aroused the interest of these young chaps. Handsome, are they not?

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