
By EmilyRose7

...AND so it begins!

The upcoming 3/4 weeks of insanity, exhaustion and jam packed schedule of Arabic class followed Mercy Corps meetings, followed by Arabic studying and then a desperate need to try to do some work on my thesis....and sleep (in theory) an then start again.

My meetings with HQ start on Wednesday so i have to be fully prepared and ready t give them feedback on everything Min. Standards/Program Management going on in the MC Jordan office. Which means I need to create a survey today and get it out immediately to all of the staff and then have meeting with everyone from Sunday to Tuesday...then HQ meetings.

The Following week is a 4 day workshop from 8-5pm daily all related to teaching the MC Jordan staff about how to properly use and comprehend the filing system I have put in place and all sorts of program management details I still have Arabic rom 930-12pm daily...so haven't figured all of that out just yet.

the first week of June is a 4 day Regional Conference here in Amman with all of the Middle East and I think North Africa Mercy Corps offices ad many many people from HQ in America all joining together to share, guide, compare, learn, etc. My boss and I have not discussed any details about this as of yet, but he wants me there and to help him introduce our new filing system for the HQ program management requirements at the Regional Conference but as of now, we are the only one of the 40+ worldwide Mercy Corps offices that has a system in place.

Part of my meetings with HQ starting this week before any of the official stuff starts is to teach and explain out system to HQ, get feedback from them as well and then discuss possibly making this system something that we share/spread out to other MC office worldwide as what they might use.

Needless to say about a week ago I started the "being unable to fall a sleep thing....because my mind will NOT stopping running and thinking and so on."

Upside: I did learn the Arabic word for crazy =مجنون, stupid = غبي, and kill = قتل

The weirdest thing to me is that out of those 3 words, guess which one is the one that was in my textbook vocab for this week....Kill!

Crazy I learned cause I kept explaining to my professors that I feel crazy with so much to do and I learned stupid cause my teacher is awesome and relaxed so in order to laugh at my insanity feelings we started to just call everything we talked about "stupid."

Not the most mature Arabic class I've ever had, but certainly not the immature Arabic class I've ever had and it did make me feel better and it was fun. Insults are much more fun when they are in another language and just sound kinda fun to say.
Sad, but true!

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