Summer at last?

Could summer actually have arrived in Perthshire, as it has down south? It was a beautiful sunny day today, albeit with a very strong wind and the sun was really warm by mid-afternoon. Perfect gardening weather, so that's what we did! Aching a bit now, but that's only because I haven't done so much bending in a while:-)

Lots of potential blips - a blackbird with two huge insects in its mouth (might have put you off your tea!); two complete pigeon or dove eggs tossed out of the nest (by a crow, we think) and found under a large fir tree (a bit sad) or lots of colourful plants around the garden? This coral azalea won, as I don't think I've blipped it before and it is looking really pretty now.

Can this weather last? Will the wind drop? Who knows:-) Have a great weekend folks!

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