New arrival!

Over to Worcester today ready for the nurses league annual meeting tomorrow!

We always stop off at a farm restaurant near Kettering for lunch and we have followed the pregnancy of this young lady who works there. She was in today to meet friends and we had the chance to see her bouncing baby boy, who is now 15 weeks old and has a substantial head of hair.

Mum looks so well and amazed me by saying that she is looking forward to her next pregnancy, as she enjoyed it so much. She worked up until 4 days before the birth!! Not bad when you consider she was on her feet all day serving customers!!

Update on the Great Tit family.
Last night we could only see 5 babies, 4 were full of beans and squawking to be fed and the fifth was under the heap and struggling to get out. This morning we could only see 4 :0(

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