Pic of a pic

Eye recovery - morphine helped! Collected Melody early and enjoyed the garden

Watching suits box set and missed slimming world

This is a pic of a pic from holiday - I took it as she looked so cheeky! She never has accidents and only had about 3 the whole time she toilet trained - all about waiting til they are ready I think!

To start with I kept asking her to go and and she didn't want to so I'd say let's oh and see if the toilets nice or horrible! So now she walks in and appraises every toilet!! I soon realised tho that she eod say when she needs it - and apart from a bit of constipation (horrible to see - upped her water intake) and she's been great!

She's also dry at night and always has dry nappy - and doesn't want to pee in it in the morning so I'm gonna attempt the overnight soon! As soon as I get the pads!

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