Not the tourist picture!
I took some typical 'tourist' shots of the castle today, and they were all rubbish. Here you don't see much of the building, but do get an idea of the hill it is on.
The local paper has awoken from decades of slumber and decided that the castle could do with a more public use. (It currently houses courts.) I agree, but think some of the ideas put forward miss the mark. The point is that tourists go there already when there is nothing but the exterior to see. We need a big attraction, a hands on museum of Highland history. What are they suggesting? A boutique hotel, and a clan centre. To enjoy the first you will have to be well off; to get something out of the second you will probably be a white anglo saxon protestant with Highland ancestry. No, we want something that everyone can enjoy - local folk, old folk, Spanish, and Japanese folk, and especially children. (Could we not throw local politicians off that tower with a soft landing in a pool of slime?)
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