Snuffy The Brave

The rhododendrons are blooming and the bees are buzzing so I thought I’d spend some time and effort to get some pictures of the event. About one hour and 250 pictures later I discovered that photographing a bee in motion wasn’t as easy as I thought. The light wasn’t quite right either. I may take another stab at it tomorrow.

This was all after MaryJo and I spent an hour walking through Whatcom Falls Park looking for woodpeckers, hummingbirds, beavers, raccoons, other blippers -- anything noteworthy. What we did find was half of the population of Bellingham in running outfits sprinting along the paths and apparently enjoying themselves. We weren't inspired.

For tonight I offer Snuffy, a bit less theatrical than Lizzie has been the last three blips, but nonetheless, charming and sweet and he looks good with bluebells.

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