Not a warbler and ...

...not a migratory bird either, the blue jay lives in northeast Ohio all year round. My hope was to blip a colorful warbler, preferably one sitting out in the open on a branch, singing his heart out on this sunny-blue-sky day. However, it wasn't to be! The sky wasn't blue and there was no sun. Truth be told, there was even a little drizzle. Although I spotted some warblers, they definitely weren't sitting on the end of a branch just waiting for me to blip them. Warblers don't behave like that. So in the absence of a successful warbler photo op, you get to see Mr. Blue Jay. I hope you like him, because my only other blip choice for today was Sammy Squirrel who returned to raid the bird feeder in my back yard.

Weather update: The storm I reported on last night made everything very soggy in our neighborhood and caused serious flood damage in some areas. I heard a report that one homeowner said his furniture was basically underwater and everything in his house was ruined, and there have been power outages, but thankfully no tornados this time.

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