
By kevinG

I Wear Thongs

Went to the gym with Dad today. I ran on the treadmill, starting at 4 and increasing my speed by .5 every minute until 6.5 then going back down to next number (4.5) like suicide runs.

The song playing in the workout class next to me was a workout version of "What Does the Fox Say," which made me laugh.

I decided my hair looks best after I work out; it's a natural messy.

Played tennis in Gym and was gonna post a picture of that but decided to post the more social one.

The pic is of a 9th period Chorus lesson with the Wind Ensemble. The girl behind me is Shayna Held.

Short Vocal Jazz practice after school.

Roddie (Roddy?), my sister Lauren's boyfriend, was there when I got home. I swear he grew a few inches at Fordham. Millie was all over him and he didn't know how to hold her.

Took a nap, then had ravioli and meatballs for dinner. My mom always says "raviolies," even though ravioli is a plural word.

Went to a swim lesson just to find out there was none. I walked partway home wearing a bathing suit, strap bag, and flip flops before Lauren and Roddie picked me up. If this was Australia, I'd say I was wearing thongs 'cause that's what they call flip flops.

Going to bed now.

P.S. I was gonna name this Blipfoto "Suicide Runs," but didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

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