Glimpses of Bdays

By BeGlimpses

Non serviam

Attended another course today, this time for work and about CRM.

The zone in city is a bit new to me and I felt the "happy tourist feeling" when I took a walk during lunch. Happy because I like so much to now know what comes around next corner.
Passed a statue of a sitting girl and saw some words written in stone besides her.
It's a poem by a swedish poet Eklöf :
" I am a stranger in this country
but this country is not a stranger inside me
I am not at home in this country,
but this country acts like at home in me! "

The statue is on the street Malmskillnadsgatan in Stockholm. Known to every swede, a street where prostitutes are walking/working.
The name of the statue is Non serviam - latin for "I am not serving / I am not subserving".

Image is from inside the mall MOOD where this tapas restaurant is submerged from the rest. Large is nicer!

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