Lost and Bewildered

I was on my way to my daughters house to watch my grandson for a few minutes. Instead of paying attention to my driving...I was wondering what I was going to blip.

This little guy was on a tree in their driveway. I'm calling it Robbie instead of Roberta...because I think males give off this "dumb" look WAY more than females do.

As for the title...every year we see this. Mother Robin raises her babies for 3-4 weeks...then it's..."OK Robbie, that's it! Get outta the nest! You be on your own! I'm worm-weaning you!"

Must be tough. Where to go? What to eat? Who to trust? What if I want to be a vegetarian?

When I left my daughters house, (after maybe 45 minutes) the young robin was still on the same branch...looking lost, bewildered, lonesome, dazed, confused, and sad.

Hope he figures it out. Quickly.

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