
Swimming started again today
Military operation to get us up and out of the house but we did it and..... We even managed to be sufficiently ready to go on a family adventure straight after swimming too.

Charlotte really enjoyed swimming again, but was just a tad of a monkey, she kept climbing out of the pool to check on William.

Headed to birdland- Bourton on the Water. Both children slept on way there, but it wasn't until we got there that lee and I realised we had still being listening to Charlie and Lola. Opps!

Fab time at birdland, Charlotte loved the penguins and the icecream.

Two tired children both in bed asleep by 8, one has since been awake demanding milk though!

Last Friday swim session tomorrow (very sad) just can't see a way of being able to do this on my own for quite some time.

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