Life within the Lens

By Brittany

My cup runneth over

Hello Blipfoto community!!!

I am hoping this will be one of many entries in 2010!!! I thought I would give you all a little story behind this photo.
My husband and I decided to go out for brunch this afternoon to celebrate the new year. I figured this would be the perfect time to take my first blipfoto!! To be honest, I felt a little nervous to deliver creativity...I took a handful of shots on our 1 mile walk to our destination, but nothing seemed to really jump out at me to photograph. By the time we arrived the place was slammed and we found ourselves sitting at a tiny round table in the corner. We got our meal and another server stumbled upon us to realize we hadn't received our coffee yet. He returned with two coffees to find us already enjoying our first cup from our original server. Finally, I thought, a quirky spontaneous moment that I wanted to capture. So here it is fellow blippers!!!! Hoping your cup also runneths over in 2010.

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