Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Happy Valley goes to Happy Valley

Happy Valley is quite spectacular at this time of year and it was lovely to be back there and also to take Miss Emmy to see it too.

Our day started with a blustery walk up the hill with the dogs and then a trip to Kirkwall to observe the monthly furniture auction - Always good people watching entertainment! We then had a wander around the town to purchase much needed cough mixture and just a general snoop about. In Tesco, Porridge Wogg got recognised by the lovely Poppy. So nice to meet you, Poppy :)

And so back home for lunch and then the visit to HV. I love it there and I love the story behind it. On my first trip to Orkney PW took me to HV..and I was blown away by it, I found instant comfort and peace in it's tranquil beauty. My first visit to Orkney was a year ago tomorrow. The first time I actually laid eyes on My Love. I never would have imagined that just one year on I would be here.. or that I could be so happy.

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