
By Lightfantastic

Bees Squabble

Cloudless blue sky but still a nip in the air. Lads on final stage of fitting the kitchen, they should just about be finished today. Need to stick around to as there are always queries so gardening for us today. I’ll just have a saunter with the camera first. There was so much wildlife it’s a wonder I did any gardening at all.
Started with 7 spot lady bird, then 6 x 2 spotted and a 10 spotladybirds hopefully all eating the aphids on the roses. While photographing them disturbed a brood of baby spiders. Bees were busy around old bug nest on the wall, must have been at least 3 emptying out the old nests before building new as they lay their eggs. One pulled out a small leave tube as I was watching…. Or perhaps they were evicting owner & nest I shall have to watch more closely. A couple of butterflies flitted through- speckled woods and a female holly blue

Plenty of baby sparrows about, the blackbirds are feeding their 2nd brood. No sign of the blue tits with all the work going on they may have chosen a quieter location. The lads work on the kitchen is all but done. The back door needs a tweek and then surround plastering. Now up to Gofer to paint and tile while I decide where to put everything and remember where I’ve put it!!

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